Hi, I'm Logan.

I'm a 28 year old computer scientist from Goshen, IN.

I attended Hesston College for my first 2 years of college and recieved my Associate's Degree, and then transferred to Goshen College where I finished up my Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science. I'm interested in programming and software design, but I also love messing around with hardware.

My Skillset

I've got a somewhat diverse skillset that isn't focused on just one area of CS, but I love taking on a challenge and learning to handle new areas. A couple areas I have some experience in are.....

  • Programming in languages such as Python, TypeScript, and JS
  • Hypervisors and computer virtualization
  • Commandline administration and scripting (mainly Python and Bash)
  • Computer hardware assembly and repairs
  • Web architecture and deployment (Google Domains, Nginx, Apache, Let's Encrypt)
  • Web authoring and publishing (HTML, CSS, and PHP)

Personal Projects

For work, school, or personal use, I've made a bunch of different things. Here's just a few of them:

NodeJS_Pictionary Github

Pictionary in your browser

As a part of a class project, 2 classmates and I created a Pictionary web application. You can connect with your friends from across the world and draw with your mouse to try to get someone to guess your word! See a live demo here.

csshxt Github

Cluster SSH for tmux

In my IT work, I used a lovely program called csshX, which allows you to control multiple SSH sessions from a single terminal window. However, it only ran on macOS, and worked by tiling all the windows on your desktop, so things quickly became unruly. I decided to write my own version of it for the terminal multiplexer tmux that solves those problems, adds a couple extra useful features, and even starts up faster.

Notifeed Github

Get push notifications for your RSS feeds

I like to follow a lot of emulation development blogs that post very infrequently, and while RSS is great, it still requires you to occasionally check in to see if there are new posts. So I made a program that checks all your RSS feeds periodically and sends you push notifications if it finds a new post.

A Few Experiences

Here's a couple things I've done over my academic career:

Goshen College ITS Technical Assistant

For two years, I've worked as a technical assistant in the ITS department on the Goshen College campus. My responsibilities have included leading a campus-wide office computer migration from Windows 7 to Windows 10, Mac computer administration, VM infrastructure management and updates, as well as various other smaller roles.

Quarknet at University of Notre Dame

Quarknet is a program that employs qualifying area high school students over the summer to work on projects relating to particle physics and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Europe. I helped develop a program to interpret and analyze trends in data from the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector.

Student Assistant at the Goshen College Helpdesk

In addition to my other ITS work, I previously have worked with the Helpdesk to solve end-user problems and provide support for faculty and students on and off-campus.

Contact Me

If you want to get in touch with me, you can email me at [email protected]